Report based on resourcing reports

  1. Go to “Reports” on menu.
  2. Resourcing tab:
    • Resourcing allocation report
  3. Analytics tab:
    • Projects allocations versus burn
    • Resources utilisation
    • Available capacity
    • Productivity

Resourcing allocation report

Go to “Reports” -> “Resourcing” -> Select a period into the first field and in the second field choose ” Resourcing allocations” and click on “Generate”.

This report will give you the details from the resourcing planner. You will be able to see into report the number of hours allocated on each project, phase or activity for each team member.

Resource allocation reportYou can either “Group by person” to see the details for each person, or “Group by project” to see the details for each project.

The report can be exported to PDF or to CSV. If you choose to export to CSV you have two options:

  • Export all the information from the report
  • “Visible only” – to export only the information which is displayed and is visible based on the filters applied

You can navigate from a day to another, from a week to another, from a month to another using the navigation buttons from top on the right side.

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