Allocate the resources of your company on specific projects, phases or activities.


  1. Go to “Resourcing” from menu.

The resourcing planner has two views:

  • People view
  • Project view


You can navigate from a month to another using the “One month backward” or “One month forward” buttons from top of the planner.

You can have an overview of the allocation for a shorter period as weeks or for a longer period of time as quarters, if you are using the “Zoom in” and “Zoom out” buttons.

Click on “Expand all” for a detailed overview of the allocations or on “Collapse all” to see a high-level overview of the allocations.



The team members are displayed into the left side where you are able to see for each person the full name, the picture, the job title and the projects, phases or activities on which the person has been allocated. On the right side, you are able to see the allocation(s) related.

Add a new allocation for a person

  1. Click on the “plus” button next to the name of the person.
  2. A pop-up with the list of projects will be displayed. If the project has phases or activities you will be able to choose a phase or an activity using the buttons “Phases” or “Activities”. If you click on “Phases” a list with the phases of the project will be displayed. If the phase has activities related, you can choose an activity using the button “Activities”.
  3. After you selected the project, phase or activity on which you want to allocate the person, you will have to complete the following details:
    • Allocation type: Hours Per Day (if you want to allocate a specific amount of hours for each day for a specific period) or Total hours (the total number of hours for a specific period – the total number of hours will be divide by the total number of business days and it will be automatically allocated for each day an equal amount)
    • Allocation value: set the number of hours that you want to allocated for the person (hours per day or total hours, depends how you set on allocation type)
    • From: select the first date of the allocation
    • To: select the end date of the allocation
  4. Click “Ok” button and the allocation will appear into the planning. For details related to the allocation hover over the allocation.


Resourcing planner integrated with leave management system and bank holidays

The bank holidays, weekends and holidays (leaves) will be treated as non working days into the resourcing planner, so when you are doing an allocation the hours will not be allocated in the period when the person is on holiday or if there is a national day. There hours will be moved into the Backlog Allocations, from where needs to be reallocated to other persons who are available.


Visual alert for over-allocated people and under-allocated people

Check out this article.



The projects, phases or activities are displayed into the left side. Below the name of the project, phase or activity are displayed the resources who have been already allocated. . On the right side, you are able to see the allocation related.

Add a new allocation for a project, phase or activity

  1. Click on the “plus” button next to the name of the project, phase or activity.
  2. A pop-up will be displayed. If the project has phases or activities you will be able to choose a phase or an activity using the buttons “Phases” or “Activities”. If you click on “Phases” a list with the phases of the project will be displayed. If the phase has activities related, you can choose an activity using the button “Activities”.
  3. After you selected the project, phase or activity it will be displayed the list of the persons. Select a person and a new pop will be displayed where you have to complete:
    • Allocation type: Hours Per Day (if you want to allocate a specific amount of hours for each day for a specific period) or Total hours (the total number of hours for a specific period – the total number of hours will be divide by the total number of business days and it will be automatically allocated for each day an equal amount)
    • Allocation value: set the number of hours that you want to allocated for the person (hours per day or total hours, depends how you set on allocation type)
    • From: select the first date of the allocation
    • To: select the end date of the allocation
  4. Click “Ok” button and the allocation will appear into the planning. For details related to the allocation hover over the allocation and you will


Use the filters from sidebar to view the allocation that you need!

You can filter after:

  •  projects
  •  people
  •  departments: to see only the allocation for persons from one or more departments.
  •  locations: to see only the allocation for persons from one or more locations.
  •  job titles: to see only the allocation for persons who have a specific job title
  •  skills: to see only the allocation for persons who have specific skills


Check “Show hours per week” to see the information on the allocation per week.

Check “Show backlog only” and you will be able to see only the hours who have been allocated but based on different situations (holidays planner, bank holidays) have been moved to the “Backlog allocations”.



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