How to deactivate people account

How to deactivate people account

Deactivate people account When an employee leave the company, you can deactivate his/her account very simple, in 2 ways: A. One by one Go to Management/ People view; Choose the person you want to deactivate the account for; Click on … Continued
Bank holidays

Bank holidays

In elapseit you can create generic bank holidays and bank holidays per locations – if you have locations in different countries, this feature will be of tremendous help because each employee will see only the bank holidays that are set for his … Continued
Adding a new project

Adding a new project

How to add a new project Adding a project is a pretty simple but very important step. You can either import all the information, check here how, or you can follow the next steps: Go to Management section from menu. Click on the Add button … Continued
Overtime in timesheets

Overtime in timesheets

Overtime in timesheets Depending on your settings, elapseit can show you 2 types of overtime: Hours calculated as overtime Hours marked as overtime To see the calculated overtime, your account should have the setting for overtime: Settings -> Customize -> … Continued
User rehired, how do you “re-add” the user?

User rehired, how do you “re-add” the user?

Restore and old user account! There are times when users that left the company or were in extended leave time come back, and because you archived their account you are not able to see them in Management/People but you are … Continued
Archiving and deleting Clients

Archiving and deleting Clients

Archive a Client Go to “Management” section. Click on “Clients” view. Use the “Search” box from left sidebar to find the Client that you want to archive. Click on the Client, to open the page so you can edit it. … Continued
Create and share custom filters

Create and share custom filters

Create and share custom filters The “Custom filters” are only available in the Management module, for Clients, Projects and People pages. They are used, in general, whenever you look at the same information daily/weekly/monthly, or as often as you need, … Continued
Leave – Close the previous year

Leave – Close the previous year

At the end of each business or fiscal year, you need to check and decide if the remaining time off, from the previous year, should be added to the default time off of the present year. Until this step is … Continued
Copy/Import information from an existing project

Copy/Import information from an existing project

The steps to copy team and team rates, phases and activities from other projects When the new project is very similar to an old one, and you want to skip the part where you add the project information manually, you … Continued